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"Tales of the Invisible"




FLUX is a collection of video art works, an ongoing research on constant change and balance, through the narrative of elements. 


The successive chapter of this collection, FLUX: Air “Tales of the Invisible”, is a series of video art works and short films, narrating tales from diverse landscapes, documenting the element “Air”; a depiction of the mind and the search of a state of “Consciousness”;

an effortless disposition of being Weightless and Unbounded.


Air is the breath of life. It is so light yet so powerful. It is everywhere, though it is imperceptible to the sense of sight.

It has no shape and no colour. It is infinite, indefinite and boundless. It is everything and nothing, concurrently.


Over centuries, ancient cultures had developed philosophical concepts and thought patterns to grasp the mechanism of life and being. By all means the influence between Hinduism and Buddhism is inevitably lucid, however, the analogy in the realization of elements in completely different parts of the world, such as Aztec, Chinese, Greek, Japanese, Indian and Central African communities,

in the absence of any cultural interaction, is truly substantial.


The collection’s main focus is to develop a channel to understand the concept of the mind’s liberation, interpreting the ancient Eastern teachings into a script that is free from the analytical abstraction of the Western approach.


Through this series of video art works, "Tales of the Invisible" aims to construct a holistic and immersive experience for the viewers, whilst carrying them through a continuous loop of moving inside and outside, encouraging to find a common ground

to be the observer and observee concurrently.


Not All Who Wander Are Lost  | 2o23

Not All Who Wander Are Lost, the first narrative of the “Tales of the Invisible” collection, the story of the Air,

the element of Silence, Lightness, Simplicity and Weightlessness.


Written, Narrated & Directed by Deniz Sak

Video Art by Deniz Sak

Music & Sound Design by Zeynep Ayşe Hatipoğlu & Deniz Sak

Sound Engineering by Metehan Köktürk


Filming Locations: Greece, Nepal and Turkey

Country of Production: Turkey

No Beginning, No End  | 2o24

No Beginning, No End, the second narrative of the “Tales of the Invisible” collection, is piece is dedicated to Fujin,

the Japanese God of the Wind and his iconic presence transcending both the physical and spiritual realms.


Written, Narrated & Directed by Deniz Sak

Video Art by Deniz Sak

Music & Sound Design by Gaishi Ishizaka

Sound Engineering by Andrey Fedorov


Filming Locations: Japan, Sri Lanka and Turkey

Country of Production: Turkey

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